Dinner with Alex and Eroch Ray who feed us like every other week! Eroch is engaged to Ariel who is amazing and are getting married in January and they gave Sister Porter and I a wedding invitation!
Monday, December 4, 2017
December 4, 2017 #LIGHT THE WORLD
Dear Family,
This week is transfers and I am so sad! Three of the most amazing sisters are going home today from our district. Today is going to be so different because we had both those companions get white washed out so now there is only four of us. We just got called to find out who is getting transfers!! Our district leader Elder Peary is getting transferred after being here for 9 months! This is going to be an interesting week. Transfers aren't till Wednesday, they changed it for the people coming in so they don't have to get up at 2 AM and go to the airport, I barely missed that change. But I am way excited to see who our new district will be.
This week is transfers and I am so sad! Three of the most amazing sisters are going home today from our district. Today is going to be so different because we had both those companions get white washed out so now there is only four of us. We just got called to find out who is getting transfers!! Our district leader Elder Peary is getting transferred after being here for 9 months! This is going to be an interesting week. Transfers aren't till Wednesday, they changed it for the people coming in so they don't have to get up at 2 AM and go to the airport, I barely missed that change. But I am way excited to see who our new district will be.
Mission life is going great, Sister Porter and I are a little insane, but it is all good. We had Two lessons with our investigator Ze who is from China, He is amazing. He has loved everything we have shared with him and is trying so hard to understand what the spirit feels like, which we have pointed it out to him a couple of times. He didn't come to church this week because he said he is really shy, and has finals this week, but he promised us he will come this week!
Our investigator Natalie is doing so great! she came to a baptism on Thursday for an elderly lady and it was so cute. She said that she could feel the spirit and ever since then she has had the thought of baptism on her mind. When she left the baptism, she was in a rush to go pick up her Fiance' and was driving kinda fast, and she said she had this overwhelming feeling come on her and had a really strong impression to slow down, and 20 seconds later, this girl darts out into the road and she barley slowed down in time to not hit her. It was such a cool experience for her to feel that prompting from the spirit and she was able to recognize that. But we taught her yesterday about the 10 commandment and the Word of Wisdom and she is so willing to give up her Tea. She has been reading the Book of Mormon so much it is amazing. Her fiance' is moving in with her in January and we are teaching her the Law of Chastity this week, so we will see how it goes.
We have 12 investigators that we are currently teaching, and Montana, Teresa, and Ze are on date. Montana bore her testimony in church yesterday and it was great! There were so many people at church yesterday and many of the girls in our ward brought there non member friends. We were able to teach two of them and make them investigators. Our ward is so amazing with sharing the gospel with their friends and following up with them and seeing if they are interested and want to learn more. We hit standards for the 2nd time in a row! and 3 times this transfer, we had 4 new investigators, 3 on date, and 4 at church! Our teaching pool is so big right now its amazing, We have seen miracle after miracle these past couple weeks. We have so many amazing lessons with potentials this week that will hopefully become new investigators.
I love you all, I am so grateful for all the love that I have received from a lot of you. I love being out here, I know that God has prepared so many hearts and we just have to be willing to work hard find those people and take rejection as a good thing. I love this gospel, I know it changes lives, and that it is through this gospel we know how to return to our Heavenly Father again. I encourage all of you to participate in the Light the World campaign! It is amazing! There is a short video that goes along with what you can do each day to serve others. I know that as you do your best to serve each day, this Christmas will be more meaningful and can remember Jesus Christ more throughout this holiday season. I hope you all have a great week!
Love Sister Stokes
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