Monday, November 20, 2017

From Sister Porter (Megan's Companion) :) Nov 20th


Story Time:
  • So S. Stokes and I are out tracting as usual. No biggie. We knock on this door and this guy slips out and shuts the door really quick. And then he says "Sorry, they are in there trying to get an evil spirit out of the room and I didn't want to scare them" I was totally terrified and didn't really know what to say lol. He then asked what we needed and we said "Well were just sharing a message about Jesus Christ" It was kind of the most hilarious awkward moment of my life. 
Miracles on Miracles on Miracles 
  • TERESA SET A DATE! Teresa is the most golden investigator there has ever been. She knows everything is true and knows she will get baptized but wouldn't set a date. She just kept saying in December or January. A member was holding a friendsgiving and invited us for dinner and Teresa was there. I was talking to her and she finally said "Sister Porter, I did a study for the first time today with the question of baptism in mind and I'm thinking December 9th" I was trying so hard to play it cool lol. She is amazing. 
  • Our investigator Montana told us that she still has a desire to be baptized and for the first time she is really putting in the effort to read the Book of Mormon to know if it is true. 
  • Baby miracle but we finally got a new Ward Mission Leader. Hallelujah. I think I already scared him away though.  After he got sustained in sacrament meeting I learned back and whispered "welcome to the club" then afterwards we had a thankyou card for him because he fed us dinner this week and I handed it to him and he said "what is this" and i said "initiation instructions"
The struggles of S. Porter and S. Stokes:
  • This week we were driving home from dinner when S. Stokes hit a curb. There was no where to pull over so we decided to just drive home. When we got home we realized the hub cap was gone. Rough. So we drove back picked it up and then had to call the car coordinators cause we didn't know how to put it back on lol. 
  • Then yesterday we were driving home from church and there was this terrible dragging sound. I was convinced we had a flat tire. So we pulled into the median and our tires were fine so I looked underneath the car and there was the most giant branch stuck under there lol. It was pouring rain and there was like 30mph wind and I was pulling on this brand so hard but couldn't get it out lol. Finally a really nice man pulled over and came over and was able to get it out for us. SO EMBARRASSING. 
  • In other news, this week S. Stokes fell down a giant hill, I woke up with a black eye, and we randomly decided to buy t-shirts from an ice cream shop. But the cool part is they still smell like ice cream. Its amazing. 
What I've learned:
  • This week I have almost finished reading Jesus the Christ. As I have read this I have continued to read in the Book of Mormon as well as the New Testament. And I know that as we continually learn about Christ our faith in him will strengthen. As we strive to apply his teachings and attributes in our own lives we will increase in happiness and feel closer to our Heavenly Father. I love my Savior and I know that He lives! 
  • Last week we had a tragic accident where our brand new gallon of milk slid off the top of the car and exploded in the parking lot. We had milk all over our just washed car. If you look closely you can see the jug from S. Stokes trying to carry it inside. But as she tried milk was spraying EVERYWHERE in the wind. Tragedy. 
  • I still don't really like weekly planning. 
  • This would be S. Stokes running across the street to collect the hub cap. 
  • Our t-shirts that smell like ice cream! 
Love you all! Have your best week so far!
Sister Porter

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