Monday, January 29, 2018

Bashing in Dairy Queen January 22, 2018

Hello everyone!! I hope you all have had an amazing week! This past week was transfers, and are district pretty much stayed the same other than two new elders came up and are our Zone Leaders. Our ward is so happy that we both are staying another transfer, I love them all so much! Ariel and Arroch from our ward got married this Saturday and we were able to go to the reception during our dinner break, they are so awesome. The groomsmen all had Camo vests on and bullet shells for the flower things haha. 

This week:
Coree, our awesome investigator came to church again this week, he is so solid, he has been reading consistently everyday. I swear he is practically a member already, we just got to get him to accept a baptism date! We love him so much though, he is so much fun and love teaching him.

We taught Ze again this week, he still is trying to understand the feelings of the spirit, he is starting to understand more and more each time we meet with him. He wasn't able to come to church this week because he got sick. But he is awesome and still reading and praying. 

Our investigator Jordan is a champ, He says he just wants to change his life around and marry a Mormon girl! hahaha. He wants to be baptized on the 24th of February really bad. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also the Word of Wisdom, which he already knows about. He has been smoking since he was 12, and has tried to stop multiple times. But on Sunday, he came to church and told us that he smoked his last cigarette last night and is going to try to cut it off cold turkey, but might end up slowly stopping. A member of our ward gave him a priesthood blessing and it was amazing, I could feel the power of the words he spoke. The strength that comes from priesthood blessings are unreal, but if you all could just keep him in your prayers that he will be able to overcome this challenge in his life it would be appreciated. 

Maya is a friend of a girl in our ward who we have been teaching, She is Lutheran, but doesn't practice. She loves coming to church and loves everything she has read in the Book of Mormon. She is way awesome, but the only thing she isn't understanding is that you can't be apart of three different religions. She says she is still going to be Lutheran, but add to her knowledge with the Book of Mormon and also agree with other religions. We explained to her the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how you have to be baptized with the priesthood authority and everything, but we will see what happens.

We haven't been finding for the past two weeks and we don't know why. But we felt like finding a new investigator is impossible because nothing is working. Saturday night, we had a little less than an hour before it was time to go in and we both did not want to go tract an apartment we've been meaning to for a while now. It was super cold and windy and we needed to finish weekly planning. But we both felt like we needed to go tracting, and the first door we knocked on was a girl named Jacklyn. She has been looking around at different religions and her friend who is part of our congregation has told her a little about the Mormon Church. We were able to share the Restoration with her and give her a Book Of Mormon. She is way excited to learn more about it and come to church with her friend! It was a huge miracle, God showed us that we needed to work hard, and not give up when you aren't seeing success in one aspect of the work.

Love Sister Stokes

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