Monday, January 15, 2018

January 8, 2018

Hi everyone!! This week flew by! So much has happened..
 this work is truly a divine work, the work we do out here would not be effective if it wasn't for the Holy Ghost that works through us. We are instruments in God's hands, we have to be in tune with the spirit to lead and direct our thoughts so we can know where we need to go, and what we need to say to those that our directed in our paths. I see tender mercies from the Lord everyday, and one of those was meeting Jordan. 
Jordan was a referral one of our elders, He has done a lot of things in his life that he isn't proud of, but he has been trying to find God. He had read the Bible cover to cover and many other religious books, but he says that there is something missing still. The only book that he has not read is the Book of Mormon. As he has been reading the Book of Mormon, he says that many of the verses he reads, he gets chills down his spine, (which he also felt while reading the Bible) and thinks that our church makes the most sense of them all. He came to church for the 1st time and he bore his testimony!  He shared how this is his first time here, and already he feels so welcomed and the love that each of us have for each other is amazing. He has already changed so much in this short time of knowing him. His heart has been softened and is wide open to excepting this gospel. 
We had a lesson with Montana, who has been investigating for a while now. She has been going through a lot lately. Her baptismal date is for the 13th, and she really wants to be baptized. She has bore her heart to us and she has such a strong testimony of this gospel. Her good friend Josh Slesk came to the lesson and I had a prompting to ask if Montana would like to receive and priesthood blessing. She has never had one these whole 9 months of being an investigator! She immediately said yes I would love one. So Josh was willing to give her that blessing, and it was one of the most powerful blessings I have witnessed. The spirit was so strong. We talked with her at church to see if she decided, but she still has not told her parents, and that was the only thing holding her back. We had a really good conversation with her and our investigator Teresa who is getting Baptized on the 13th as well talked to her because her family is not supportive at all either. They are both so amazing, they are so strong and have such desires to do what is right. Just keep them both in your prayers this week :)
Coree, one of our new investigators is so amazing, you would think he is already a member, he is so solid. He is just trying to build his testimony of the Book of Mormon and knows that as he keeps reading, he will begin to know for himself. 
Ze is so amazing, He came to church this week as well ( All five of them came to church this week!) and he just loves the environment. He has come so far, it is the coolest thing to witness the change this gospel makes in people's lives. They just seem genuinely more happy. 
I love Bellingham so much, this ward is so amazing and these people will forever have a spot in my heart. Transfers are next week, I don't think that I will be transferred, but you never know. I am so greatful for our amazing investigators, they truly have made an impact on my testimony that this gospel changes lives. I know this church is true will all of my heart, there is so much love, peace, and joy that comes from it. I hope you all treasure up the words of the scriptures daily. As much as we need to nourish our physical bodies daily, we also need to nourish our spirits. Love you all!
       Sister Stokes

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