Sunday, January 6, 2019

December 24, 2018. Merry Christmas Eve!

Wow, what a week, I don't even know where to start! It has been so crazy! Sister Jones is officially home as of last Monday! So sad, but happy! I was with Sister Petersen until transfers on Wednesday! We went to the Ensign Choir Christmas performance with our friend Laurie and another friend Kyle. It was amazing! We sat right by President and Sister Wilding haha. So getting to the concert was crazy, the traffic was terrible and right when we only had two cars in front of us to get inside a parking . garage, they said it was full! So the Drais' who were driving tell us to get out with Laurie and just walk and they will meet us there and it was in the middle of the road we did this so Laurie's bag kinda tipped before getting out. So after the concert Laurie looks for her wallet while we are driving back and it's not there. She thinks she left it and we tried calling the place, but there calling hours were closed till tomorrow. It was so sad! I checked the floor of the car where laurie was sitting and nothing. Sister Drais was like did you check everywhere on the floor? And sister Petersen puts her hand on the ground by her and goes, "is this it?" And is holding her wallet! Turns out when laurie was scrambling to get out when her purse fell, it fell lucky in the car by the door! It was a miracle! We were just in awe. 
Tuesday was a crazy day, we had 8 lessons and just saw lots of members to say bye. We had our last lesson with Laurie before the elders will teach her, it was so sad. But she is so prepared. White washing an area is too much work. The new sisters came in tonight and it's funny because sister Petersen is training and she got to meet them all before she new who her companion was! 
Transfers! Well, we get there and I find out I'm going to Shorline with Sister Allen! so I'm pretty much in the same smzone because shorline and Lynnwood are combined Haha. I also am a Solo Sister Training Leader which is crazy, I'm over the 6 sisters in my last district Haha so it'll be fun! I've never done this whole STL thing so hopefully all will go well! This possibly could be my last area which is hard to believe. 
I have loved working in this area the past couple days! There is so much work to do! We have picked up 3 new friends just in these past couple days and also got sent a referral named Daniel from online missionaries and he is so solid! We are going to meet with him on Thursday. He texted us and asked us what we think the purpose of the word of wisdom is and tells us he lives a very clean life and doesnt drink or smoke. So we explained it a little more in detail and he goes, "I'm very curious of these promised blessings aspect you mentioned." Haha he already seems so solid. So things are already starting off great here. 

Half Mission Confrence! 
Wow this was such an amazing confrence. The spirit was insanely strong and I could not stop the flow of tears rolling down my cheeks. Sister Wilding and President both were just emotional wrecks, I love them! The program was we would watch a short Christmas clip and them there would be a testimony shared and then a musical number and so forth, and then there was 10 minutes given for anyone who wanted to bare there testimony could and I knew I was going to go up. But before I could stand up sister Pryshchepchuk goes up.  So after her I go up and my emotions were all over the place, but it was such a powerful moment. We got to watch a movie afterwards and the options were, "It's A Wonderful Life," "Ephraim Rescue," "The Best Two Years," and "Hercules!" We ended up watching Hercules, it was so fun. President Wilding also said that we can sleep in till 7:30 tomorrow on Christmas! Such a blessing! 

Special Sacrament Meeting!
Hopefully lots of people came to everyone's Christmas service yesterday. Bithcour wards combined into one so there were lots of people, is was chaos! 
So we have Taught our friend Barbra 3 times this week and she is scheduled for baptism for Jan. 12th! She is so cute and we are so excited for her. 
I love you all and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Sister Stokes 

1) my new companion Sister Allen from Logan Utah
2)Laurie <3
3)sister Porter 
4)the trio in Oak Harbor now! Jellous!
5)our Friend Chee who speaks Hmong so we Skype Hmong elders in California 
6) Sister Moffett <3

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