Monday, March 11, 2019

Love when the weatherman in wrong

It has been a week! This is the first time being able to come to the Library in 4 weeks due to snow and then Washington's Birthday haha. So it is nice being able to type on a keyboard! People were saying it was supposed to show today, but they were so wrong! There's not a cloud in sight!
Things have been going good here in Shorline. I feel like every week is pretty busy and there is always an exchange with other sisters and many leadership phone calls, but it is good! We had lots of amazing lessons this week with friends and returning members and have a lot set up for this coming week! We really have been doing a lot of work with returning members, it definitely is very important, there are a lot of part member families we are trying to start working with as well.
We were able to go through our area book and under former friends we found a guy named Moses and the reason they dropped him back in the summer of 2017 was because his family was going on vacation to California for a month or so! So glad we were able to go in and find him again! He is so awesome, it was around 7:30 and it was pretty dark in this neighborhood, but as i was walking up the steps to the house, Sister Walker behind me goes "Hello!" and I was so confused because I didn't see anyone. But It was Moses! He just got back from his friends house haha. We started talking with him and found out he is from West Africa and just moved here 2 years ago! He said he liked what the missionaries prior to us taught him and would like to keep learning. He said he used to go to the Catholic church with his family, but has stopped going to church all together.  He said he wants to start going again so that is good news! He is a senior in high school so luckily we don't have to pass him off to YSA just yet haha.
We are still trying to find more people to teach as always, but I love being able to see the Lords hand guiding us, there are always moments in the day you just know that impression wasn't you and something amazing comes from acting on it. There are so many opportunities to do good out there, we just have to be willing to look outside our little selves and not be afraid to reach out. Love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Stokes

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